Useful Links
Set out below are useful links to advice, information, and services that serve the Alresford Community
ChatHealth SMS Service
ChatHealth is a confidential text messaging service that enables children and young people (aged 11-19) to contact their local public health nursing (school nursing) team. You can get in touch for advice about any aspect of your physical or emotional health.
Youth Health Talk
Find out about what it’s like to live with a health condition, by watching other people share their stories
Wessex Healthier Together
The Wessex Healthier Together website is being developed to provide useful resources for parents, carers and young people (via information leaflets, self-care advice, & guidance on when and how to access appropriate local healthcare services).
West Hampshire CCG
GPs in west Hampshire are supporting a campaign to get people walking more.
Smoke Free Hampshire
For information on how to get help to stop smoking
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
If you are concerned about misuse has information regarding drugs and has information regarding alcohol.
Pregnancy Care Planner
A useful resource from the NHS about care when you are pregnant
Looking After your Mental Health
Resources for help taking care of your mental health.