Do you look after someone who is ill, frail, disabled or mentally ill?

We are interested in identifying carers, especially those people who may be caring without help or support. We know that carers are often “hidden” looking after a family member or helping a friend or neighbour with day to day tasks and may not see themselves as a carer.

Caring for someone is an important and valuable role in the community, which is often a 24-hour job that can be very demanding and isolating for the carer. Carers should receive appropriate support and there are a range of services set up to do just that.
As a carer, you are also entitled to have your needs assessed by Hampshire County Council Adult Care Services. A carer’s assessment is a chance to talk about your needs as a carer and the possible ways help could be given. It can also look at the needs of the person you care for. There is no charge for an assessment.

In addition, as a carer you are entitled to a seasonal flu and covid vaccination if you don’t fall into an at-risk group.

If you are a carer please let our reception know and they can make sure your contact details are correct, signpost you to some additional support and make sure your notes are coded correctly so you can access the help out there.


Sources of support

The Alresford Surgery is committed to identifying and supporting patients who
have a caring role.

Please take a look at this document for further information & also at the below table

Carers support document

Princess Royal Trust for Carers


Take a break assessment, emergency care planning, counselling and support


01264 835246


Adult Social Services (Hampshire County Council)

offer a free carers assessment, take a break service and support with benefits for advice and support for both carers and those being cared for.


0300 555 1386


0300 555 1373 (out of hours)


Online referral

Andover Mind

01264 332297
Social prescriber for sign posting and mental health support 01962 732345 The Alresford Surgery
Carers UK

Online forum and support

Guides and tools, health advice

Support after caring

0179 4519 495

Active listening line 08000 323 456

Help line 0800 808 7777