Patient Participation Group
We would like to encourage our patients to join our Patient Participation Group. It is led by a small Steering Group of patient volunteers. Through membership of this group the Practice would like to find out your ideas on how you might feel our service could be improved and also those areas that are working well and should be continued.
Although we ask our PPG membership to fill in a short survey annually, the PPG continues to operate throughout the year. It is led by a small Steering Group of willing patient volunteers that meet regularly, but that group would like ideas, suggestions and information, from as many patients as possible in order to represent the widest possible patient interests. An effective PPG can empower patients, support the Practice and lead to the maintenance of high quality responsive services. Should you wish to know more, do please get involved.
There is no specific requirement for involvement, you can remain on the end of an email simply receiving emailed news and information which you can comment on and let us know your views. Or, you could get more involved with ad hoc events as they arise if they are of particular interest to you.
And, of course, you can email at any time to let us know you no longer wish to be involved and we will delete your email from the mailing list.
To participate, please complete the following application form:
PPG Application Form
If you would like to become a member of our patient participation group (PPG), please fill in your details and press the submit button below.
The PPG has a Steering Group that meet regularly, but members of the main group are contacted by email every now and again. If you wish to, any member of the main PPG group can be involved in adhoc events as they occur, or if it is your preference you can simply remain ‘virtual’ receiving those emails and responding if you care to.
Thank you very much for agreeing to participate in the Alresford Surgery PPG.
The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to know what information is held about you, and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.